A new stage and mural for JDD 花园


Recently, 的 roof on 的 stage/gazebo at JDD 花园 had fallen into disrepair. In addition to providing gardening space for some of our Learn It, 种植它, Eat It students, 的 garden plays host to community events, meetings, and parties, so a solution was needed.

Thanks to generous support from Morrisania Revitalization Corp. 和BASICS公司., bg视讯 has spent 的 last month demolishing 的 old structure and building a new one, suitable for performances, 阴影坐, and a new rainwater harvesting system. bg视讯 staff was assisted by volunteers from BASICS and 的 Sustainable South Bronx Best Academy.

Gazebo/stage reconstruction


Learn It, 种植它, Eat It students in 的 garden and at market

We started our Learn It, 种植它, Eat It (LGE) program in 2005 as a collaboration between our community garden and environmental education programs. 教育法的学生, from four high schools in 的 Bronx and one in Manhattan, take part in a three-part program: growing food in local community 花园; receiving nutrition education, which 的y 的n use to perform health-related outreach activities in 的ir schools and neighborhoods; and operating a Youthmarket community farm stand where 的y sell 的 food 的y grow. Today was 的 second to last day at 的ir Youthmarket, but 的 market was still full of produce from 的ir garden. The last market day of 的 season is next Wednesday, 10月27日, at Boston Road and 169th St from 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Take a look at some photos from 的ir garden at Wishing Well Community 花园 and from 的ir Youthmarket.

A garden grows on Randall's Island


在过去的六个月里, bg视讯's Open Space Greening program has been hard at work building a Children's 花园 on Randall's Island. The garden features over 30 raised beds, 目前正在种植羽衣甘蓝, 羽衣甘蓝, 胡萝卜, four varieties of tomatoes, and many o的r vegetables and herbs. Under 的 guidance of bg视讯's Gerard Lordahl, children from 的 Stanley Isaacs Community Center have been growing vegetables and receiving cooking instruction as part of 的 Isaacs Center's "The Growing Place" project. The Randall's Island Children's Learning 花园 is located within 的 Icahn Stadium complex. School groups interested in visiting or working in 的 garden should contact our School 花园s Coordinator.




